
Role: Product Owner

Company: Weedmaps

Platform: iOS, Android, Web

Shipped: Q4 2017

In an effort to drive more signups, and reduce friction for account management broadly, I led an onboarding overhaul that included federated authentication via Google and Facebook.
The result: +200% increase in signups MoM.
iOS Onboarding Flow
The project was a complete overhaul of design, user flow and functionality from what came before. The team was to focus on making the progression and messaging clean, clear, and concise.
For native, we added soft prompts for location and notifications permissions. We also added the new sign up page directly into the user flow.
Backwards compatibility was important to us, in that if users already had an account we wanted to ensure they could take advantage of federated authentication. As long as the email match users can leverage Google or Facebook to log in to their existing account. Similarly, if a user who signed up with a federated provider removes access for our application they can still log into their account via password reset.
Being in the Cannabis space, we wanted to go above and beyond the default recommended boilerplate-- "Nothing is posted to Facebook without your permission." User's names and emails are oftentimes used to generate usernames on other applications that leverage federated authentication so we wanted to call out that those would always remain private.

Most Recent Projects

Emparty 1.0
User Profile
Apple News
ARtist Pages
Coming soon
Coming soon
Made with 🔥 in California