

, world!

I'm Daniel, a user-centered Product Manager with a track record of growing audience and revenue. I'm a humanist, life-long learner, husband and father.
Job Status

🕵️ Actively Interviewing


From 0 --> 1

I'm passionate about taking companies, products or services from 0 to 1.
I've built a marketplace startup from the ground up, led user growth for a hundred million dollar marketplace, and launched many impactful experiences in the engagement economy.
Role: Principle PM
Marketplace for party venues.
Role: PM, User Growth
Marketplace for cannabis.
Role: Product Manager
Publisher of Music news.
Role: Product Manager
Publisher of Movie/TV news.

Most Recent Projects

Emparty 1.0
User Profile
Apple News
ARtist Pages
Coming soon
Coming soon

What type of PM am I?

I am a generalist. A student of strategy, management and design. Also, I'm super pumped about ethics, user research, and inclusivity.
TLDR: I'm a generalist
I'm not a technical product manager.
Yet I've owned highly technical initiatives.
I'm not a growth hacker.
Yet I ran a successful growth team.

My Core Competencies


Product meet Principle

When assessing problems and their opportunities we must ensure four basic questions are asked.
Is the product, feature or service...
to the customer
for the business
to build profitably
for the objective
- Marty Cagan 'Inspired: How to Create Products Customers Love'
Made with 🔥 in California